Monday, July 13, 2009

Tough times

I've said this to some of you privately in emails or phone calls, but I'll reiterate it here: the first few months of being in site are really really difficult. It's hard to describe if you're not living it, but work is a totally different animal here, community integration is hard, and it's easy to feel alone.

I came to the Peace Corps ready to be all alone for 2 years. I didn't come ready to spend three months with some fantastic people, form some phenomenal relationships and friendships, and THEN get to site and be all alone. I miss my Peace Corps friends, and I can't wait till I can leave my site (this weekend) to see them.

I turn 26 on sunday. I feel old



Monday, July 6, 2009

More blogging!

So I've been told that huge blog updates once a month do not make for pleasurable reading from the masses, so I'm going to make a concerted effort to make more blog posts, just making them shorter.

Things are getting pretty tense regarding last weekend's coup d'etat. A week ago today everyone was telling me everything is calm and we'll be back to normal in a couple days. Now everyone is tense and wondering how this will end. Stay tuned...

We have some vacations that are being planned for as we speak! October may feature a nice little scuba diving trip to the bay islands, and there may be a 9-day jungle trip to La Mosquitia at the beginning of 2010. Very exciting

High school friend Mickey Passman got engaged over the weekend to his longtime girlfriend. Congratulations to Mickey and his family!
